Top Places to See in Skagen, Denmark


Skagen is a port city in Denmark located in the farthest north of the country!

Having an impressive harbor, it’s coastal position allowed the city to develop as an important fishing port. But, tourism here is flourishing as well, due to the numerous locations in Skagen that attract a high number of travelers every year. If you plan to visit this picturesque city of Denmark, you should know the best sites to see while spending your time here. There are quite a few, so you will have a number of sights from where to choose!

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Skagen Museum

The first objective that is worth visiting is the Skagen Museum, because it presents the rich and fascinating history of this city. The access to the city was not the easiest, because the railway was completed in 1890 and the harbor in 1907. But, even so, many young artists enjoyed living here, Skagen becoming one of the most famous artists’ colonies in the entire Scandinavia! So, you will have the chance to see an impressive number of artworks at this museum, coming from different times and addressing different topics and motifs. No matter when you decide to visit Skagen, this remains a must-see objective, as it is available throughout the year.

We were genuinely quite mesmerized with Skagen Museum. As we perused around its rooms, looking at its history through the fabulous art and awe-inspiring paintings, we couldn’t help but feel captivated with the beauty of each artistic canvas that were displayed inside.  The artists that traveled to Skagen, near and far, doubtlessly was enraptured by Skagen’s beauty.  Each stroke seemed to allure the visitors of the ocean’s charisma, proof that this area is a true favorite seaside destination of the Danes and Scandinavians for centuries.  The paintings and photographs exhibited are considered part of Skagen’s heritage since each one depicts an enthralling moment in time.

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Grenen – the top of Denmark

If you want to reach the northern tip of Denmark, you need to visit Grenen! A wide arch of sand goes further into the sea waters, creating a narrow path of sand for tourists. At this point, two seas come together, the Skagerrak (North Sea) and Kattegat (Baltic Sea). Do ride the kitschy Sandormen from the old town to the beach!  The area is simply gorgeous, with ivory sands and deep blue waters, composing the perfect setting for a walk on the beach!  But, do resist the urge to bathe here, because the area is very dangerous due to the powerful sea currents. In fact, no one is allowed to swim in this area.

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Skagen Harbor

One of the reasons Skagen became so developed is because of its harbor. So don’t hesitate to visit it and admire the numerous ships docked there. The image of the harbor is picturesque, due to the authentic buildings of the city and the many small and medium-sized boats, some of them for leisure while some are for fishing. You should also know that there are quite a few restaurants in the harbor area, just in case the salty breeze makes you hungry or you would like to eat a fish dish prepared by following local recipes.

Downtown Skagen

Simply walking on the streets of Skagen you can see and experience a part of its history. You should know that besides poets and painters, architects were another group of artists that came to the city, which explains the wonderful architecture in the area. During their stay in Skagen, the face of the town changed completely, beautiful buildings arising and showing the development this area was enjoying, due to fishing. From a small fishing village that had just 2,000 inhabitants at the beginning of 1900s, it ended up being a beautiful city with 9,000 dwellers. The number of visitors is even more impressive, because during a summer day, there can be up to 50,000 visitors in Skagen alone.

Brondums Hotel

It is amazing to see the historic Brondums Hotel in real life since it was the haven for late 19th-century artists based in this little harbor community at that time.  An everyday hangout for the members of the Skagen school of painters, the works of art you’ll find presented in the hotel’s public rooms were precisely payment for the artists’ food and board.  Experience first-hand the kind of home and atmosphere they delighted in as they sketched and composed the fantastic surroundings of this charming seaside port town.

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Full of character rain or shine, Skagen is truly one of the most marvelous summer backdrops in Denmark and around Scandinavia!

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Thanks to Skagen Museum | Brøndumsvej 4 DK-9990 Skagen | +45 9844 6444

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